Parent Friendly Workplace Employer Recognition Program.

We at Working Parents Foundation have developed a Parent Friendly Workplace Evaluation to recognize employers that have made great effort to establish a workplace that is inclusive and welcoming to parents. Through consultative follow-up, this tool is also used to identify opportunities for improving the work environment and increasing workplace inclusion for parents. 

How It Works

Employers that wish to participate in our Parent Friendly Workplace Recognition Program can do so by completing our Parent Friendly Workplace Evaluation. Companies that achieve a minimum score of 53, fulfilling at least 2/3 of the identified parent friendly workplace criteria will receive special recognition from Working Parents Foundation as a Parent Friendly Workplace!  

Recognition Includes: 

  • Employer is listed as a WPF recognized Parent Friendly Workplace on the WPF website

  • Employer is issued a WPF Recognized Parent Friendly Workplace logo that they can use on recruitment and marketing material 

  • Employer is issued a WPF Recognized Parent Friendly Workplace decal for their business 

  • Employers who achieve WPF Recognition will also receive a recognition plaque